Face to Face
Face to Face -Knitting: transformed used objects: car tire, rope, wood, wool, crochet
Face to Face
[Installation, transformed used objects]

Communication is the essence that draws me to creation. I am interested in interpersonal communication, and want to find out how people communicate to interact, to make and live together. Through installation and fibres material, I explore how links are being tied, relationships woven, and colors run from one idea to another.

The installation Face to face is metaphor for teamwork. It presents a series of production tandems, handmade from everyday objects and simple mechanic. It refers both to the domestic and to the mini mill.

These couples or duos focus on two-person relationships to become an imaginary textile factory. There one as to join their forces to others, set one's gestures to a common rhythm for the mechanism to only work.

Transforming the gallery to suggest the idea of a production space, I intent to recreate a link with labor and “primary” technologies that lead to making. Taking further the idea of educational museum, this piece is also about transmitting textile traditions, in playful unconventional ways, referencing the everyday and house furniture.

The spectator will need to observe, follow the ropes and the gears, imagine the movements, the rhythm to discover a manner to wash, dye, card, spin, weave and knit the wool.

Face to Face – Spinning: transformed used objects: bike pieces, wood, wool, spinning bobbin, bike